Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring is coming!

And Autumn is on her bike! We got her a little Trek bike last year (well, actually the Easter Bunny did) because Daddy thought it would be really cute. By she wanted nothing to do with it last year. While I was on the treadmill in the basement a couple of weeks ago she hopped onto it and began riding it around and loves it now. We went to the park last week on a warm day and had a fun time. Our first little bite of spring now has us itching for more. But it was 27 degrees during my run this morning so we are still being teased!

We went to a Build A Bear birthday party for Autumn's friends, Abby and Dan, on Saturday. She picked out a pink bunny, who she named "bunny"...originality is not her strongpoint...before any of the other kids even looked at the stuffed animals. She helped Joshua make his little dog, named "Scruffy." You can see her "washing" them with blasts of air after they have been full of fluff. It was a fun day!


Carolyn said...

I love the little bike helmet! Joshua looks on fondly...LOL!

Unknown said...

Looks like we have another biker in the family!!! Very cute bike and helmet! And I love Build a Bear... what a great place for a b-day!