Wednesday, March 31, 2010

January and February's some catching up from the past few months....

January 16th - We visited the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. It was a fun day to see the traveling Body Worlds exhibit and lots of other things for the kids to do and learn.

January 24 - Brooke visited overnight with us. She and Joshua are good buddies.

February 2 - Getting up close and personal with Arianna at Bepa's house. Luckily she is very tolerant!

February 3 - The kids have been enjoying swimming lessons all winter. It's a great escape from the cold winter dulldrums.

February 11 - One of many huge winter storms. That is the top of our 6 foot fence behind the kids.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pictures soon

I've had no interest in posting over these past 2 months...sorry to anyone who may occassionally glance at this blog. A techno-rebellion of sorts. Check out Chris' blog at
for some recent updates. I just got a new camera so I will post again soon - part of the reason for my lapse in updates. See you soon!